Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year's Eve

New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in
the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among
created things that the passage of another twelve months may be
noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening
that come with the coming of darkness on other nights.

~Hamilton Wright Mabie~

Monday, December 13, 2010


When I was preparing for aptitude exams, I came across many phobias and many manias. Today I just thought of combining these two suffixes.


"PHOBIAMANIA: Obsession of fearing"


Almost all of us are suffering from this type of mania.

We are living in a very insecure world. We are habitual of getting feared by each and other things.

When we were young, we were feared by the thought of going schools. The name of books or teachers fears us.

At grown up age, we started getting feared by the future thoughts.

And now at this juncture, we feared our bosses.

Little later, we would be feared by future of our children.

At older age, we might get feared by the thought of life after death.


And this will go on and on.


Friday, August 6, 2010

One more....

This is the name of my latest blog. There was no need to create this blog.
But I want "Jhaal-Murie" to be my personal blog, with everything original. To maintain the originality of this blog, I created the new one.
There are times when I receive some beautiful email that I want to share with all.
So this blog contains all those articles or information chosen exclusively from internet or emails.
I chose the name in Latin language, as there was no relevant name available in English.
"Memoire-de-Vivo" means "Memory of Life".
So, enjoy with my memories. They may remain with you also. Forever.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Would you want to marry YOU?

That`s an interesting question that every single (and married)
person needs to ask themselves.

Would you really want to marry you?

If you are a man then try to think like a woman and honestly
ask yourself, "If I were a woman, would I want to marry me?"

If you are a woman then try to look through a man`s eyes and
ask yourself, "If I were a man, would I want to marry me?"

You know you better than any other human.
You know how you are. You know the secrets and the quirks.
You know the likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses of your
inner soul. You know YOU even if you don`t admit the truth.

If you are already married then you need to ask yourself,
"Would I really want to stay married to me if I could walk away
with no strings attached?"

If the answer in any scenario is "No,"
then perhaps it`s time for change.


Would you?

~A MountainWings Original~

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Skies of Salboni

Some of the pics of my township from mobile camera.........

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Power of Observation

A lecturer teaching medicine was tutoring a class on
observation. He took out a jar of yellow-colored liquid.
"This", he explained, "is urine. To be a doctor, you have to be
observant to color, smell, sight, and taste."

After saying this, he dipped his finger into the jar and put it
into his mouth. His class watched on in amazement, most, in
disgust. But being the good students that they were, the jar
was passed, and one by one, they dipped one finger into the jar
and then put it into their mouth.

After the last student was done, the lecturer shook his head:
"If any of you had been observant, you would have noticed that
I put my second finger into the jar and my third finger into my


Careful observation of the truth will keep you from many
distasteful situations.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

One of the most b'ful email rcvd- A Little Dash

A Little Dash

Life is like that.

Every now and then, you need to add a little dash to life.
It won`t change your story, but it will make it look a lot better.

You can do it without much money; all it takes is a little time
and effort.

When was the last time you`ve gone to a play?
It`s been that long huh?

Colleges have them, churches have them, there are many groups
that put on plays that are rather inexpensive to attend.

Do you have a pet?
When was the last time you`ve gone to a dog or cat show?
It`s been that long huh?

Most cities have them at least once a year. If you are on the
net, you can find when one is coming to your area. If you like
cats and dogs, you`ll love the show.

When was the last time you`ve gone to a comedy club?
It`s been that long huh?

Again, most cities have them. Find out when a comic will
perform who suits your style and go and laugh until the tears

When was the last time you just sat in the park and listened
to the birds sing and the soothing sounds of nature?
It`s been that long huh?

There are a hundred other things that if you stop and think,
you will realize that dashes are all around you each day.

Take a break and put a dash of spice in the everyday world.

Remember, on all of our tombstones will be the day we are born
and the day we die. The only thing in-between - is a dash.

Time flies so fast as you age that years seem to dash by.
For little or no money, and a small investment in time and
effort, make the picture of life more pleasant to look at.

Add a dash. . .

~A MountainWings Original~

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What's ur mobile number?

This post is for those girls who possess a common trait of being possessive about the numbers in their life. Be it their weight, their age or their mobile numbers. Once in a while, they maybe considerate enough and disclose the first two in the series, but when it comes to their mobile numbers, they find innumerous reasons to deny.

In this internet era, rarely is anyone detached from the networking sites. Increasing the friend list count is a mark of social acceptance or a prestigious issue. Online friendship is on the rise in youngistaan. In such an age, the fairer sex has no problem in sharing their email ids. They are comfortable in sharing personal information. They chat with their net buddies for endless hours. They can scrap or scribble incessantly. But ask them for their mobile numbers, and it seems as if lightning has struck them. The entire world’s possessive feeling overpowers them, they look at you with chary eyes and all of a sudden they become defensive.

I am not in favour of publishing mobile numbers on sites. But when a girl has accepted a friend request and is comfortable with online chatting or exchanging e-mails then why do they have a problem in sharing mobile numbers?

In my opinion, sharing an email id can prove to be rather unsafe. An email id to me is more personal than my mobile number. But who would explain it to those girls who just would not part with those “precious 10 numerals”…no matter what!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

www:Wired in Wireless World

The world has stepped into 4G. We are exposed to a plethora of wireless devices. The bluetooth, the Wi-fi, the Wimax, Sony's Wireless walkman and many more.. Yes, we are accustomed to and absolutely relish this wireless life!

But see these pictures of my room. Who would say that we are living in a wireless world? When it comes to Powering On, there come all the wires. Once again we are left intertwined amidst them all.

Am fervently waiting for another tech breakthrough..for that day when there would be wireless power transfers..That will be the day when my world would become Truly Wireless!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fire and Ice


Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those who favour fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.



Friday, May 14, 2010

I or WE

Back on my blog after a loooooong time......... for a debate on I vs WE.


Personal leadership is the most studied, researched topic in American life. However romantic the idea of larger than life individual working alone and accomplishing great things may sound, the fact remains the same- seldom can success be attributed to one individual. Most of the times, it's not great men or great women, but great groups that have been responsible for success. 


Great groups are formed not by putting extremely talented people together. In fact, talent alone can never result in success. The fact is that even Michealangelo worked with a group of 16 artists to paint the ceiling of Sistine Chapel- one of his most famous works. The lone ranger can only achieve as much, while a great team can break all boundaries and even do the impossible. What makes a team truly great is the fact that they are bound to each other with a "Great Dream".


Henry Ford once said, "Coming together is a beginning, working together is progress, achieving together is success." The feeling of togetherness comes when you have a shared goal.


A lot of us may feel we are good team players, for we are helpful, friendly and are actively involved in the happening of the company. This is passive leadership. The real "team players" are those who not just bring out best in themselves, but have the knack to identify the true potential of their team members and change them so much that they go ahead and do the impossible.


Jim Collins says very clearly in his book "Good to Great"- first, get the right people on the bus, wrong people off the bus and the right people in the right seat; then figure out where to drive.  It is very important for an organization that before deciding the vision, mission, strategy, tactics and structure, decide on the people. An organization needs strong players and strong teams, not "one genius with a thousand helpers". A great leader is the one who has the guts to recruit people better than him & the capability to manage these people & keep them motivated. As Michael Jordan once said, "Talent wins games, but team work and intelligence wins championships." Great teams are based on similarity of spirit and diversity of strengths.


There is an old African saying- "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."



Tuesday, February 16, 2010


ZERO- An important digit in mathematics but the most degraded term to belittle a person in common language.
Through this post, I just dare to change your mindset regarding zero. The same zero which was born in India, the same digit that encircles our lives. We may feel zero is a derogatory term but this zero can convert a '1' into 10, 100, 1000 and make any dumb-dog a millionaire.


It may patch up with a 10 to make a cricket century or conjoin with 1 to set up its own world of binary. It may take you to highs and lows as it is well aware of its position in your life.


Coming to basic mathematical principles:


Any number multiplied by zero is zero.

Zero doesn't let any digit to overpower itself. We can also make ourselves a zero. Don't let any person overpower you or influence you. Retain your qualities in all circumstances. Be yourself.. no matter what.


Any number(s) added to zero is the number(s) itself.

When zero is added to a group of numbers, it does not affect the core qualities of that group. It mixes very well in the group. This quality of zero will prove helpful while working in a team. It's good to be a zero and mingle with the team rather than dwelling in one's own ego or superiority complex no matter how important you are.


Zero divided by any number is zero.

Zero doesn't let anyone to divide, divert or mislead itself. We too should be motivated towards our goals and aims. Don't get misguided or misled by anyone. Don't let any obstacle change your inherent dreams and aspirations.


Zero cannot divide a number.

A number when divided by zero results in infinity (in mathematics) or 'not divisible' (in general terms). This quality of zero teaches us that we should not try to divide, divert or mislead persons or teams. Creating divisions of any kind is a negative trait bringing infinite problems and zero is not involved in it. Also, we should not let anyone use ourselves to cause a rift or division.


We may also imbibe these qualities in ourselves so as to increase the worthiness of anything we are attached with. We should make ourselves efficient and effective in order to add value to anything. We should know our importance and also the correct position that belongs to us.


So, do you still think zero is simply a ZERO?


Be proud to be a ZERO.


Develop an attitude with a mix of zero.


Develop ZEROTUDE in yourself.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Irony of Indian Television

I am not very fond of watching television. I am mostly busy with my laptop but life has changed a bit. The change has occurred after my marriage. I used to watch only 3 type of programs on TV- reality shows (chosen one), songs and trailers of yet to be released movies, and movies. Sometime I also pause at a news channel to know the happenings around the world.

I was talking about the change. Yes, life has changed a bit after marriage. Now, I have to watch daily soaps- the most boring and dramatic things that happens on TV.  I have no option of escaping from this situation. Finally I started taking bare minimum interest in these, so as to get myself involved.

Yesterday I was watching a serial on Colors TV- "….na jana iss desh LAADO". The most ironic thing happened there. I can't stop myself laughing. The main lead of the serial, a so-called 'amma ji' was whipping a person for betraying him. That person made an unsuccessful plan to murder 'amma ji'.

And at this particular scene, a message was running below:

"hum aurato par hone wale atyachaaro ka purzor virodh karte hain……"

Is anyone out there....... jo mardo par hone wale atyachharo ka virodh kare.........???

Monday, January 18, 2010


Why you are reading this post of mine?
With this question in mind please do carry on.

WHY- a common 3-letter word indeed. It`s one of the five WH-words which all of us have faced innumerable times in our lives. Most of all we`ve faced it in our classrooms when we were young. I still remember my school days when I used to dread a question starting with "Why". They seemed to be the ones where maximum brain-racking was needed followed by the most lengthy explanations. I could easily face its counterparts i.e. "Who", "What", "When" and "Where" but on hearing a "Why" my heart screamed out a big NO.

However, now when I retrospect, I thank this 3-letter word which has made me what I am today. It led me to a vast reservoir of knowledge which could not have been acquired otherwise. As we grow older, this word loses its significance. There are no more "Whys", and hence a stagnation to learning.

"Why" is the gateway to wisdom and awareness. "Why" opens our mind and prevents our brain cells from gathering rust. Look for an answer to this 3-letter word and you would surely take a step towards discovering a new fact. And as a famous saying goes, “The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size.”

Necessity may be called the Mother of all inventions, but "Why" is the Father of many discoveries. If Newton hadn`t asked a "why" when the apple fell, we would be still be ignorant of gravity. If Benjamin Franklin hadn`t asked a "why" after getting an electric shock while flying a kite, would we know electricity? These, and many such anecdotes reveal how a simple question revolutionised the way mankind dwelt on earth. And the credit goes entirely to the same little word- "Why”.

Even as we grow older and are not bound to formal education systems, it would be good to form a habit to involve "Why" in our lives. Whenever you encounter an uncommon situation or a never before incident, just ask a "why" to yourself. A small "Why" before initiating an activity would help you gauge its worth and also make it more reasonable. Things generally overlooked would start looking interesting and gain significance if you start going into the depth of "Why" they are the way they are. Life will then become brighter with information rather than dull due to clouds of ignorance. You will start enjoying the self-learning process .Every "Why" would push you a little further towards erudition and take u a step far from the crude unaware crowd.

Let`s instil in ourselves the spirit of asking "Why" and start trotting on the path to knowledge.
Let`s get ready to delve into the pool of Whysdom.
It doesn`t take more than a little "Why".

So, why have you read this post of mine?
Answer it and keep going.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Bottomline

The one common factor in all my posts….the BOTTOMLINE and it reads…

Posted by amQ. d unQ. d pacifiQ. Busy in deeP thOts.”

On reading you might have wondered about its significance, and in case you still haven’t, you’ll surely wonder hereafter….

amQ: As discussed at length in the previous post is the shortened version of my name.

d unQ: It is the shortened version of “the unique” in sync with the shortened version of my name. It symbolizes the uniqueness of my name. My name has broken all the rules of English grammar. You will never see a word ending with ‘qu’ except my name.

d pacifiQ: This is related to the meaning of my name. Amiqu (pronounced as a-mee-q) is an Arabic word which means depth & greatness. And talking of depth, nothing compares to the Pacific Ocean . Here the prefix “d” indicates a proper noun, not to be confused with the literal meaning of pacific.

Busy in deeP thOts: Every mind, sane or insane, thinks. But when amQ is engrossed in thoughts, then they are deep like his name.

That’s all about the words. Now, let me throw some light upon the capital letters which pop up in between.

[q with CAPS ON] in “amQ”, “unQ” and “pacifiQ” indicates Quality. I always try to emphasize on Q in every word (if possible) as it symbolizes quality. Don’t be mistaken as the adjective `quality` does not define me but is stands for the quality of my name. I am proud to be named Amiqu and I am proud of it’s unQ spelling.

[p with CAPS ON] in “deeP” indicates the deepness of the Pacific ocean which I try to imbibe in me.

[o with CAPS ON] in “thOts” is used mainly to maintain the symmetry of the phrase. However, you can interpret it as blank smile or a smile which we have to fake without feelings, to show the world how happy we are…

Ever thOt so deePly abt a unQ phrase of abbreviated words?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Aao Wish Karein

Just the other day I happened to watch an interesting movie-`Dasvidaniya`. At the end of the movie was an instruction to list down `things to do before you die’. This gave me some food-for-thought and here I am with my very own list of “Ten things I want to do before I die”. Some are interesting. Some are funny. Some may seem unrealistic. But such are my wishes and that`s what I am…

Wish #1:
A well-equipped school with all the modern amenities and state of the art residential system. It would have the latest facilities and gadgets that could be implemented to improve the education system. I have decided to name it after my hometown. It’s my dream to establish `The Sahawar School`.

Wish #2:
I want own a fleet of cars- SUVs, luxury vehicles, designer cars, electrically driven cars- you name it. Most of all, I want to be the proud owner of a Mitsubishi Pajero. I also want to acquire all the electronic gadgets introduced till date. I want to familiarize myself with everything that happens in the technical field.

Wish #3:
I want to build a grand house for myself. I want to give it a unique touch. I have decided to name it `The Khan`s Palace`.

I intend to open a restaurant which would be called amQ`s (read “am-qu-z”)- The MOOT Point. It would also serve as a venue for conferences/business meetings where people would be able to eat, meet or moot.

It’s been my long time wish is to have a muscular body with 6-pack abs. And I am always optimistic about this one.

ABCD- Amiqu Builders Constructors and Developers. This would be the name of my long cherished dream of a construction company.ABCD would set standards in its field and build differently. My main aim through this construction house would be to build shopping malls in the shape of famous historical monuments. Unique thought from a unique soul!

I often visualise myself in a white kurta-pyjama, giving speech on a dais. Yes, my next wish is to contest the election for a Member of Parliament. Winning or losing wont matter that much. I just want to contest. And with my oratory skills, you never know….I might just be lucky.

I am very fond of traveling. I want to trot around planet earth and visit all the famous places. During my visits, I would love to stay in the top-rated hotels only.

I wish to make an entry into bollywood. Preferably as a producer and leave my mark even if it would be through just one movie.

Last, but not the least. I want to die jobless. Yes, jobless…. yet earning. My childhood aim is to be an entrepreneur. So earning my money at my pace in the way I want to without being answerable to another person is my wish before I die.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

.......mail from a boring person

Itz 09:55 pm in the corner clock of my office computer. My routine work is over. I have nothing else to do. But still I have to be here till 12`O clock midnight.
F%@# off this B-shift (1500 hrs to 2400 hrs).........
At these moments, I regret doing job. When I have done my scheduled work, I should be allowed to go home and take a good saturday night nap. I am bit more unlucky then others, as mine is a security organisation :(.
No internet. No mobile phones. Only an official mail id.
What can a person can do at this odd hour to make himself keep awake.
How many powdered tea or coffee could you gulp?
Its a mental torture as well as physical torture. Where are the human rights peoples???? Are you listening?
My eyes are straining. My mind is blocked. Lot of things to say but words have declared stirke in the mind.
Its 10:10 pm now. Thank god!!! 15 minutes passed in writing this boring blog post :)

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What does amQ stand for?

My name is Amiqu. I like it's shortened version "amQ". I got this inspiration from Reebok. Reebok becomes Rbk. Amiqu becomes amQ.

Just googled "amQ" and got these amazing acronyms:

Association Minière du Québec (Québec Mining Association - Canada)
Ambon, Indonesia - Pattimura (Airport Code)
Analog Multiplexer Quantitizer
Association Montgolfière du Québec (Montreal, QC, Canada)
Amsterdam Mood Questionnaire 
ankle moment quotient
Audio Master Quality
American Medical Qualification
Agencja Mody Queen
Automated Medline Query
Association professionnelle des Meteorologistes du Quebec
Adams Marblehead Quarry
Association des Malentendants QuTbecois
Association MontgolfiFre du QuTbec
Availability Movement Quality

Friday, January 1, 2010

an UNKNOWN guide....

At times in life unknowingly and unconsiously strangers or strange situations befriend us and leave a deep impact to last through our lives.

Something similar happened to me too.

It was the first day of the year 2007 and unfortunately (or fortunately) I was in the train enroute from Delhi to Bangalore.I was going for an interview for my present job. The interview was scheduled for the 3rd of Jan at Bangalore and I would be reaching on the same day i.e. 3rd morning. Due to lack of time for preparation, I was both serious and tensed.

I boarded the train on the 1st at 8:30pm. As soon as the train started to move I delved deep into my books, struggling hard to keep my memory afresh. There I was with all my engineering notes, which would serve as my bullet-proof jacket when the interviewers would shoot.

A middle-aged fellow-passenger sat there noticing me all the while. He seemed very cool and jolly by nature and at that moment I envied his temperament. I knew what miracles my eleventh- hour revision could work for me. So there I was- quiet, serious, studious trying to make the most of every precious minute in that journey.

The next day,during my post lunch study session, this person interrupted me. He advised me not to take any tension and to remain calm and cool. He narrated his own life’s story- one of the rags to riches kinds. Once a college drop-out and now a millionaire with business spread across many countries. It was as if he shaped his destiny with his untiring efforts.

Then onwards, he didn’t allow me to even touch my books or notes. He kept a vigil on me.Realising time was slipping by, even if I moved slightly to pick my notes, he stopped me. He started talking to me and assured that my interview would go fine.I need not worry so much.

I had a good sleep that night. Maybe it was the confidence he had instilled in me through his talks. I felt really fresh when I woke up the next day. The train had reached Bangalore at 8 and I was supposed to go for the interview directly from the station.

The interview went really well. My confidence was the ‘extra-cover’ on the bullet proof jacket I already had. I soon received my letter of appointment and am presently working for that organisation.

I am constantly reminded of this particular fellow-passenger. Contact details apart, I don’t even know his name. It’s been 3 years since then and I want to thank him on the 3rd anniversary of that incident for his guidance through this post.

“Thank you very much, my unknown guide. I know you must be somewhere, helping another burdened soul relax…Thanks once again!.”

New Year begins,
let us pray that
it will be a year with New Peace,
New Happiness
and abundance of new friends,
God bless you
through out the New Year.

Like birds, let us,
leave behind what we don’t need to carry…

Life is beautiful, Enjoy it.

This is beginning of a new year!